Small fish proofing my overflow box


Ok, for the past 4 mornings, I have gone to my reef, and all 4 mornings, I find my happy little baby citron goby in my overflow box. Fortunately, I have a sponge over the stand pipe that has prevented e poor little guy from getting sucked down into my sump. His body size right now is so small, he fits between the teeth in the overflow. It is not easy to fish the little guy out as he keeps going around the stand pipe and the space is somewhat confined. So my question I throw out there is, how can I "small fish proof" my overflow? I thought of getting some window screening to create a barrier around the perimeter of the teeth section. But, this could clog up and cause some other major problems. This overflow is the hang on style of overflow with a box in and a box out with a U tube. Any suggestions?


Brunt of all Jokes~
Have you looked for gutter gaurd? its about 4'' wide comes in a roll, cheap, cuts with sissors, I also like it for making hitch hiker traps.Steve


Thanks Sasquatch. Are you talking about the Gutter Guard that you find at HD? Is it the foam type? How do you secure it around the teeth?


Well-Known Member
I'm with BoomerD on the zip ties, but mine is white not black. At least until it gets covered in corraline. I have to replace it about twice a year and clean it every couple of months so it doesn't get clogged. I assume we are referring to the same thing. Mine is a plastic mesh that I just cut to size.


Thanks Lynn! I will look for the white. I didn't know if it came in the white, but that may show the coraline better. Thanks again everybody!


Well-Known Member
I think mine actually may be made for cross stitching but is very similar just white in color. When we bought our tank used it was one of the additional things he threw in with the purchase so i haven't had to buy any to replace it.