Silly Question--Heater Suction Cups


I have an Aquatop heater in my 40 breeder, and I can't get the sensor suction cup to hold for more than one day.

Any tips/tricks on how I can get the suction cup to stay in place for more than one day (short of using super glue)?




Well-Known Member
Had this happen to me, in my case the inside of the cup had some algae on it. When I cleaned it good, it stuck well. I also put it under hot water before sticking so it was "soft".
The only other reason it might not stick is if is damaged (tiny cut or something like) which allows the air to escape from behind. In this case very cheap to just replace.


Well-Known Member
If your having trouble getting them to stick and both the glass and the suction cups are clean, you need to replace them.

I can't think of any suction cups that last more than a few months in SW. Ideally your better off replacing them with some other method.