Sick Swallowtail Angelfish (Genicanthus Melanospilous)


Well-Known Member
nice job, hope she pulls through. how about some karma to ya, that might help. can you get a pic of her?


Well-Known Member
dude that sucks. so sorry to hear that. i was a little worried when you said you she went right into the net without a chase. man, did not even get a chance to lower the salinity. i feel ya bro. just on FYI but i put all my fish in hyposalinity straight from where ever i got them, no low adjusting. i only adjust back slowly. never had any issues. just incase next time you might want to put a fish straight into hyposalinity. again sorry about the loss, i wish i could do something.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all. Did what I could. We've all had it happen but it's a shame when it does. Had her just over a year. Fortunately, so far the rest of the tank looks fine so hopefully it'll only be a single loss.

What can I say, it's part of the hobby. Time to move on.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your angel. You did your best and that is all that matters. Glad that the rest of the tank seems to be fine.