Setting up first reef


New Member

I am currently in the stage of getting my sg levels to 1.024. My tank is full of RO water with "h2ocean" reef salt I purchased.

I am using a koralia 2 power head, but I think I will get another. The tank size is 3'x21"x12" w x h x depth. I am going to be setting up the live rock this weekend with a thin sand bed, no sump going to be used here but rather lots of live rock, thin sand bed and protein skimmer.

Now the gentlemen at the LPS said that in my particular set up a thin sand bed would be preffered, not sure why. He said either go thin or go 6" deep. What do you think I should do?

I am also running an eheim canister filter, not sure if its needed but its running. I also have two shatterproof submersible heaters on each end of the tank running for temps at 77F.

I have added quite a bit of salt, at least to me, and my sg levels, which I checked today after adding the salt last night are very low. I have added four more small cups of salt and I will see how it is later tonight. I guess their is more salt first added then I expected.

Any other tips would be appreciated, I want to do it right from the beginning.


Don't mix the salt in the tank mix it in a bucket first. It's not a big deal since the tank is empty now but just for future reference.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with Jared. For water changes, get a designated mixing container with a heater and a powerhead to mix the water.

I am currently in the stage of getting my sg levels to 1.024. My tank is full of RO water with "h2ocean" reef salt I purchased.

If you're trying to raise the salinity, for your daily topoffs, use saltwater mixed to the SG you desire (which should be about 1.025-1.026 for a reef tank). If you haven't set up or put anything in the tank yet, you can add salt directly to the tank if you want.

I am using a koralia 2 power head, but I think I will get another. The tank size is 3'x21"x12" w x h x depth. I am going to be setting up the live rock this weekend with a thin sand bed, no sump going to be used here but rather lots of live rock, thin sand bed and protein skimmer.

This is fine. Many reefers just use LR, protein skimmers, and their sand.

Now the gentlemen at the LPS (It's actually LFS, for local fish store, just so you know. LPS is a type of coral :D) said that in my particular set up a thin sand bed would be preffered, not sure why. He said either go thin or go 6" deep. What do you think I should do?

I see no reason you can't have a 2-3 inch sand bed. I think it actually helps to have a medium sized sand bed.

I am also running an eheim canister filter, not sure if its needed but its running. I also have two shatterproof submersible heaters on each end of the tank running for temps at 77F.

You'll want to ditch the canister filter as it can lead to nitrate buildup over time.

I have added quite a bit of salt, at least to me, and my sg levels, which I checked today after adding the salt last night are very low. I have added four more small cups of salt and I will see how it is later tonight. I guess their is more salt first added then I expected.

Depending on the size of your tank, you might need a lot more salt to get it to the right place. Every half cup of salt raises the water from 1.000 to 1.023 for most salt mixes, so you could potentially have to add a lot to get it right. I'd say add a cup every day and see where you're at.

Any other tips would be appreciated, I want to do it right from the beginning.

Other than that, make sure you toss in a raw deli shrimp when you add the rock to make sure it cycles well. Other than that, you have a great mindset about doing things right! Welcome to RS! Be sure to ask us if you have any more questions.


Active Member
First thing I would say is get some books. They are a great tool. Also I would turn the heat up to around 80. Also like was already said mix your salt in a bucket first then add it. The aproximate ratio is about 1/2 cup of salt per gallon. Good jod using RO water right off the bat like that. It sounds like you are on the right track. How much LR are you planning on getting? I would use about 2 to 4 inch sand bed. Also if you have not already you need to get some test kits. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH are the first tests you will need. Once you have your Sg where you want it and all the sand and rock in and going I would run down to the local grocery store and get a deli shrimp (raw) and toss it in your tank. This will "kick" start your cycle as the decaying shrinp will breed the bacteria and feed the cycle. Best of luck and keep us posted, Shaun


First thing I would say is get some books. They are a great tool. Also I would turn the heat up to around 80. Also like was already said mix your salt in a bucket first then add it. The aproximate ratio is about 1/2 cup of salt per gallon. Good jod using RO water right off the bat like that. It sounds like you are on the right track. How much LR are you planning on getting? I would use about 2 to 4 inch sand bed. Also if you have not already you need to get some test kits. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH are the first tests you will need. Once you have your Sg where you want it and all the sand and rock in and going I would run down to the local grocery store and get a deli shrimp (raw) and toss it in your tank. This will "kick" start your cycle as the decaying shrinp will breed the bacteria and feed the cycle. Best of luck and keep us posted, Shaun

I agree!:apint:


I wish I had known the raw shrimp thing, I killed 3 damsels and it took nearly a month for my 55 g to cycle even with LR.. Doing research on EVERYTHING is a good idea, impulsive buys a bad thing.
(From experience)