Scratches on glass


New Member
I inherited a 125g and on the inside there is a row of scratches. It looks like they were trying to scrub off algae and sand got in there and scratched it up. Is there something out there that can fill in scratches or buff them out? Or when theres water in there will they not visible? :(


Active Member
Toothpaste, like Crest, can work well in getting out minor scratches. Since it's on the inside of the tank, make sure to rinse it out thouroughly before adding livestock. However, if the scratches are deep, I'm not sure of any real solution. Maybe go to a glass shop?


There is a scratch removal system I've seen for sale at some online fish stores. They have 2 types, which can be used on either acrylic or glass tanks. I've never used them, but am planning on ordering the glass type soon. They aren't too expensive.



New Member
Depending on the type of tank and the way it's constructed, did you ever think about simply turning it around, so that the side with the scratches becomes the back ?