sailfin tang { Zebrasoma veliferum} fins 'collapse'

I have a sailfin tang and his dorsal and anal fins just disintegrated, or sort of appear to have melted and shriveled up like plastic does when it's exposed to heat.
This is the second incident of this occurring in my tank, with two different individual fish. The fish store says it is a known ailment of this species. In any case, my particular fish (both of them) remained perfectly healthy otherwise. My problem is, I have to get rid of my tang because it is bullying a smaller fish in the tank which I am not willing to be rid of. The fish store agreed to house him as a 'free for adoption' animal, so the fish's life is safe, as far as i can see, which I am thankful for. I won't ever buy another sailfin, because in my opinion, if this is a regular phenomenon of captivity, they should not be kept in captivity. I would appreciate any comments or info anyone would care to offer. Thanks, Mike.


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
Hey mike, have you diagnosed the problem? Sounds like fin rot to me which is easily curable with some macryn 1 and 2.