Reinstalled Mp10 and slight problem...


Hey everyone,
I'm just getting the tank back into shape and part of that was getting my Vor Tech mp10 sent in for repairs. I got it back tonight and reinstalled it. After the calibration period it stirred up all kinds of junk in my tank. I switched back to lagoon mode and put a 100 micron pad underneath my regular white/blue filter pad. Should I just let it run and clear itself out with a lot of filter pad changes?

I put the MP10 on the right hand side about halfway down. I'm a bit concerned that the flow is not letting the intake (the grate before and above the media rack) do it's job. It seems to be keeping the detritus from being pulled through the system.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Acropora Nut
IMO let it run and get the detritus out of the tank and if you're worried it's not making it to the filters and just blowing around in the tank swap sides of it for a little while so it blows it in that direction and once you're happy move it back again or leave on the right and let it run its course :eek:lsmile:


I think keeping the detritus in suspension will help get it out of the tank over time... if not in suspension, the detritus settles on the rocks and that's why the MP10 and/or other wave makers stir sh*t up...


Yes thanks and both good points. I'll give it some time. I couldn't tell this morning as the room was so dark but I'll check it tonight. Thanks!