Regal Tang Vs Bristle Worm


Hey all..
Happy Thanksgiving!

my regal tang had a run-in with our fire worm, I believe.
She's got, well...about 8 bristles stuck in her by her dorsal fin.

Can this massive worm hurt her or any other fish?
might these bristles be stinging her now? -she seems unaffected-

This worm is about 10" long - I caught a smaller one about a month ago that was maybe 5" (used my longest hemostat) - how can I catch this monster,
it's also eating thru my rock.:cry1:

Everyone have a great day and thanks!


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Wow.. 10"!! Try a stocking/panty hose and bait it with a small piece of shrimp. Or, try a plastic/glass container - place it at an angle with the opening 'uphill' and bait it with a small piece of shrimp... the idea is that the worm will not be able to get out once he goes for the food. Good luck and keep us posted :)

Ohh... the tang should be fine.


thanks - this guy is a monster!
when I saw it leave the rock and go into the sand and
it kept on going and going..I was freaked. But now I am determined to
catch him!
I'll post his obit..(soon I hope):angel3:

thanks for the info