ReefingFun's Clam Log


Hope nobody minds, but I thought it would be interesting to share my video logs of my 1st clam.
Nothing really special, but I for one like to see the evolution in these things and document it.

The clam's name is Mysto and was doing 'okish' at the store, but not really opening up. I'm not the kind of person that buys the prettiest thing, nor is interested in the healthiest specimen. I rather buy one that needs "help".

Day 1 -7/7/'13:

Nitrates: 2
Phos: 0
pH: 8.2
Salinity: 1.024, raised to 1.025
Ca: 450
Mg: 1360

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Uploading Day 10 Log video now. Will be ready tonight.
Sorry for the delay! Was on vacation for a couple of days and loaded with work :'(


Can't seem to edit my post (?) :( (is there a time lock on editing?)
I'll post a new comment then and if possible edit it to the OP later on.

Day 10 - 17/07/2013

Nitrates: 4
Phos: 0.04
pH: 8.3 (from 8.1 last week)
Salinity: 1.025 (stable since day 1)
Ca: 440
Mg: 1320

Note: Cyano outbreak and rising phosphate levels.
Clam is constantly more closed at the front (facing camera) compared to the other parts. I will change the flow next week and see if this has an impact on the opening up.
