Reefbreeder Proton 32 LED setting


I have a 65g aquarium and I purchased a reef breeder proton 32 LED light. I want to know what setting should I use for the lighting? Any ideas of how to set them to make the take look the most natural as possible?


Well-Known Member
Because each tank is different, there is no specific settings for your lighting. What is fantastic for one tank might be a disaster for another.

The best way to set up you lighting is to set it up so it looks good to you, then adjust the colors and photoperiod as necessary. I'd start with about 10 hour a day on and the LEDs set to about 80% max. Then adjust them up or down as needed.

The other issue is that many people seem to like their tank lighting with a lot of blue in it. This is fine, but it's sometimes not very natural looking.

Your sometimes at cross purposes here. Usually corals look better under light that is a bit more blue, but maximum growth is better under light that is more yellow. It all comes down to what you want out of the tank. Lighting is a very personal choice, so you really can't go too far wrong here.