Reef podcasts?


Hello fellow reefers!

I was wondering if anyone knows about any good aquarium podcasts? I like to listen to podcasts when I'm at work, and have tried to find some about the aquarium hobby, but I can't seem to! I have listened to a few that only had a few episodes, then seemed to stop posting. Also, fresh or saltwater, I don't care which. I would just like to use my 8 hours a day where I'm just sitting at a desk listening to something informative about a hobby I love. :)

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! And Happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
Personally I find more podcasts to be of very limited value, and in some cases harmful to the hobby. Sometimes the people making them are not well informed and the information is incorrect or outdated. Other times the go over basic material, which anyone that has been in the aquarium hobby any length of time should be aware of.

Of the ones I do like some of the ones made by the online vendors are good as long as you keep in mind that they are trying to sell you something. Some of the DIY ones to build a specific item area also good. I tend to skip ones showing off a tank unless the tank is really exceptional.