Red spotted linka multi flora star fish - if it lives, is it clam safe?


All my reading says yes they are reef safe. Herbivorous feeding mostly on algae film on the rocks. Wikipedia says they will sometimes eat sponges. Everything I read also says they need slow drip acclimation and a well established aquarium in order to survive long term.

I was actually going to buy a Blue Linckia but was warned that they often don't survive for long in the home aquarium.


Wannabe Guru
The Linckia sp. are reefsafe but generally don't live very long in aquariums, do you have the starfish already or do you plan to order one ?
No one really knows what they eat but suspect it's bacterial biofilms that gow on the LR as well as fauna, so alot of LR is essential for long term success and the parameters must be stable otherwise any changes in chemistry and bacterial infections become a real problem.
Thanks my reef buddies.
Placing an order for a sun coral and Duncan so I saw this and thought mmnnn..I so miss my chocolate chip since I threw him in the refugium when I began adding real coral..hehehe