Red Sea Prizm Skimmer - Good/Bad??


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by proud2bcanadian
Would a Red Sea Prizm Skimmer work well on a 10g nano?
For people that own one - What are your opinions on it?

Thank you,
I sell em at my store. but I think your money could be better spent on something else. It doesn't take much to do a once or twice a week water change on a tank that size, and I think that will do as good a job as a prizm.


Active Member
Alright, I've scrapped that idea.

I'm looking at the Berlin Turbo Protein Skimmer and the CPR SR2 Protein Skimmer. I'm finally getting all of the pieces set for a 10g nano. There have been some good deals up here in Canada, so I've been jumping out of my shoes trying to grab up as much stuff as i can... :)


Well-Known Member
Are you looking for a hang on back skimmer?
The two that I have seen and liked the most (and unfortunately can't carry at my store) are the AquaC Remora and Lifereef hang on model. The lifereef might be on the big side for what you want though.
Take a look at those two before you purchase any hang on skimmers.


Active Member
I'm not looking specifically for a HOB PS but I've come across a lot of classifieds of people selling their setups, and these are the skimmers that are available...


Fish Addict
For a 10g, all you really need is flow, some LR, and once or twice weekly water changes. A skimmer generally cost more than its worth on a small tank like that IMO. In my 5g which I moved up to a 10, everything was just fine without a skimmer.


Active Member
i think everyone is right thaat you dont need one on a 10 gal nano because if you want it to work you will be doing weekly water changes of 2 or 3 gallons BUT if you really want one ill tell you how to make one that will cost you next to nothing .
take a piece of clear plastic tubing like the ones used on undergravel filters and cut the top of a soda bottle place the end you drink out of into the top of the tube then mount it on the side of the aquarium inside you can mount it with suction cups like the ones used for heaters next get a air pump and a WOODEN airstone place the airline with the airstone down the tube till its about an inch from the bottom and turn it on

and there you go instant cheapy protein skimmer
i know it sounds like junk but i have done this myself and for friends and you will be suprised by all the green junk it will pull out if you want anymore help with this idea pm me and i will help you out good luck let us know how it works out


Fish Addict
I was thinking about trying something similar on my tank just for kicks, only using a gravel vaccuum instead, and having the tube feed to a 1 gallon water bottle.


Active Member
it does work i first read about someone else trying it on another thread and curiousioty got the best of me and i tried it and it honestly works great

i am no longer using it i now have a prizim pro but one of my buddies has it on his 12 gallon eclipse and it is still churnin gunk out after more than 8 months


Fish Addict
I tried to make one with a gravel vac before, but the one I had was real funky, and it made the water spew out, but now I have a real basic one thats about 2", then reduces down to ~1/3"
Water changes, water changes, water changes! Protein skimmers are extremely important (i think) but in a tank that small you need to be really careful what you pull out plus add in. So good old small water changes. Should do the trick. ( just a gallon or two a week) once its established.
Good luck