Red Sea Mg Magnesium Pro


Active Member
Greetings from Dave,
I just received my new RS Mag test kit and would like to give you all a review.
When I un-packed it the Packaging impressed me with its, "well beautie?" Also it is a very professsional "looking" test kit. This actually makes me leery I sometimes feel they are covering up something with the package, "Dave shrugs" but after using the test I do feel differently. I know pretty much where my Magnesium level is presently, "think stratosphere:)" I used Saliferts great kit to obtain the level and wanted to see how close they would be. The instructions I used are the little card that is in the box, you can find a video of how to use the kit at Red Sea's site which I watched and it is a very good video. The test is straight forward and easy, it took maybe 4-5 minutes? The end result where you have the final color change I feel is easier than the Salifert, very distinct when the change from a pink to a blue happened. When I use Saliferts test I sometimes miss the change by a drop or two, "I'm also a bit color blind so the distinct change is nice". The syringe you use to do the final is placed in a device to hold it steady and it for me made it quite easy.
The final result was within prolly 50-100 of what I got from Salifert and that for me is fine.
So I give this unit a solid thumbs up! If you are in the market maybe try one out you might like it.
Now the disclaimer; I am just a hobbiest, not an expert by far, and these are just my honest observations.
If you are in the market I saw the unit in many online stores, or PM I will tell you where I got mine.
And I hope I am not reviewing what has been reviewed already.
God Bless,
Dave :rolleyes:
