Red Sea Berlin Skimmer


I am curious about anybody use the Berlin skimmer what kind of pump are you using? I have one with a Mag 3 on it and it does pretty good work. I am really curious about how the Mag 5 with fractionating impeller would do.


Well-Known Member
I have used a Red Sea Berlin skimmer. At the time I used a Rio 2500, but nowadays I consider this a poor pump and would not recommend it.

I had the standard skimmer that contained it's own venturi. You can use a pump like the Mag 5 with fractionating impeller, but in this case, you should remove the original venturi.

Better still, replace the skimmer. I would only consider this to be a fair skimmer, and you can do a lot better with what is available today.


I really can't complain about the skimmer, it definitely makes a lot of thick nasty gunk. The problem I have had is finding a skimmer that is short enough to fit inside of my stand.

So Davek, by removing the original venturi, do you mean closing up the air intake?


Well-Known Member
As I recall, the original venturi could be unscrewed for cleaning, but I can't check this because I no longer have the simmer.

Yours may be a little different.


New Member
I know the first gen was that was I have one but han't used it you just unscrew the barb and the venturi comes right out