Red Algae all over


So... I left my window that is directly in front of my tank open the other day on accident (left the blinds open rather), and now I have a layer of red algae all over the place. Over the top of the sand, over the rocks, over the pumps, over everything! What is the best way to get rid of it?? I can suction the top layer of sand and get rid of that, and scrape the glass, and wash the pumps, but the rocks are going to be the problem.

Any thoughts on the situation and how to avoid this from happening again??

Thanks all!



Active Member
ure cuc,should take care of the rocks,And u can avoid this again by leaving the blinds shut,or do like my friend did and install a shade to ure canopy,That way if u leave u close the shade on the tank,and let the sun in ure house


Well-Known Member
I don't think your problem is directly related to leaving a window open and the tank getting additional light. The red algae is due to having a nutrient problem in the form of high levels of nitrates and/or phosphates.

To control algae, you need to control the nutrients.


And how do I do that? My nitrates are consistently at 20 ppm. I cannot get them down to zero. I routinely do wc's. I have added some chaeto to my refugium, I am feeding as little as I feel comfortable doing... I don't know what else to do? I routinely check my nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and ph levels... and the calcium every once in awhile... but not the phosphates?? Perhaps I need to do that? I'm just not sure what I am doing wrong?? Will this red algae hurt my fish?



RS Sponsor
red alage is cyno bacteria caused by poor water flow & poor water conditions chemi clean will kill tha bacteria with out any harm to you tank then fix you flow issue & you r water quality is the best you can do