Rainbow Acans Trimming in NY!!!


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Got my Acan's today, couldn't be happier so far! Slight miscommunication on my part initially, but they look great.

Now if only i knew how to take pictures with led lights.


New Member
Wondering if you had anymore of these beautiful acans that you would like to trim from? I would love to get a few frags from you!


New Member
Do you have anything left?? And would you ship to oklahoma, and if so what would it cost me? I am looking to stock up on some high end acans, and you have exactly what I'm looking for. Hope to hear from you!
Has anyone had any problems with Baconreefer in the past? Shipped him a 10 pack of the rainbow acans and now hes filed a claim against me staing that he didnt get what i said he would. Claims the pics in this thread are not authentic. I tried to explain to him that his frags were directly off of the mother colonies which I do own. The pictures a year old, but still authentic. Gave him over 20 heads of different Rainbows that he said he wouldnt pay $80 for which is absurd. Claims they are all plain ordinary green acans. A bunch of you guys got these Rainbow packs from me and know what they look like. Ive even offered to give him a full refund including original shipping if he packs up and ships me back 8 of the frags. He can even keep 2 of them to cover his return shipping cost. Instead, he wants to keep everything, and receive a full refund. Looks like a staged con move to me at this point. Just want to know if anyone has dealt with him in the past.


Felix I received a 10 pack of acans from you awhile ago and they were all as depicted and stunning. In fact the ones I did get unfortunately all died due to my stupid tank issue and I sent you a message today to buy another pack! Definitely sound like a con, if you need anything let me know I will definitely back you!


New Member
The acans I received were nothing like the pictures posted and when I asked him about why he used someone else's pictures and not his own I received no answer to this. One would think that if your going to sell frags you would post your own pictures not someones else's. When I called him out on it he never did send me pictures of any acans that looked like what he had posted. If you go on other sites I have many transactions with 100% positive ratings. Its not normal to sell frags but use someone else's pictures

That's just common sense just saying.
Dude, I've explained to you over 3 times in your dispute. These pics were of the colonies that my importer gets. He shows me what he has, and I buy my corals from him through the pics he provides. I used the same pic of the same product that was shipped to me and that I own. I'm not sure what your problem is with this. And I sold frags from these colonies because I do not frag them up until someone wants them. I try to keep my colonies intact until people actually want frags from them. If you wanna create a situation then fine, from now on, I will no longer do the "frag packs". I will Prefrag everything and just list WYSIWYG pics of the frags. But don't think for a moment that I was trying to give you something other than what was pictured. Like I said, I've sold at least 12-15 of these packs and everyone was very pleased with the pieces. I even try to hook everyone up with way more heads than I actually price out.

Blue Space

Well-Known Member
Felix - I ordered a 10 pack from you and was very impressed with the number of heads on each frag and you also through in two bonus acans for free! I'm very pleased!

Some folks just can't be pleased. You know, like that d-bag at the restaurant making a scene cuz there are beets on his salad, when he asked for no beets, and thows a tantrum cuz wants the entire meal comp'd. I would just accept his negative rating and move on. Life is 20% of what happens to you and 80% of how you react.

My acans are doing great by the way and boy have they grown fast. Thank you Felix!
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