Questions on Quarantine & Fresh water dip process for a puffer?


Hi All,

I read the sticky about acclimation and freshwater dip processes. I am wondering how would you do this for a puffer? Would you skip the freshwater dip procees and just acclimate them to quarantine? The reason I ask is I have read that if a puffer is out of water and gets startled, they can take in air instead of water which can be hard for them to get rid of and also can be fatal if they can't get rid of the air. Is this true? Also if they get frightening in a freshwater dip containing methylene blue is that bad for them?

How would you transport one from quarantine to display after it is ready (has been through the total quarantine process and has been treated for any illnesses and/or parasites)?

Would you also need to dump some quarantine water into the display with the fish if they can't be exposed to air?

I don't have a puffer fish yet, but would like to get one in the future (tank is a 180g). I have also heard about burping a puffer and was wondering how you do that?

Thanks In Advance.


Well-Known Member
You puffer does pose a challenge. It isn't necessary to pull fish out of the water to make them go from one place to another. What this requires us to capture the fish while it is under the water using a plastic bag. The fish generally does not see a plastic bag especially in a darkened room. The technique of using a plastic bag for capturing fish is one of the most gentle means of handling marine fishes. It is just that few hobbyists do it. If you don't think you can do this then I would suggest skipping the freshwater bath for this particular fish.

If the fish has been determined to be healthy after several weeks in quarantine, then there's no concern about the quarantine
water being contaminated. Thus it is okay to transfer some of the quarantine tank water into the display tank.
