question on puffer's and brackish water

I have 2 figure 8 puffers and 2 green spotted puffers. the SG is 1.010. I need to know what are different foods do these guys eat, my lfs says plankton and I know snails also, but what other food will they eat, either freeze dried or frozen.

I decided to maintain my 55 as a BW tank. Thinking about increasing the SG by 0.002 - 0.005 so it would be 1.012 - 1.015. So what would be a decent filtration to use on this tank as BW. I can't do anything that would cost to much money, because I can't afford to spend allot at this time. One reason I haven't been able to buy what I need to get my 75 reef tank going yet.


Well-Known Member
Puffers aren't usually very hard to feed. Most will eat just about anything they can catch and chomp down.

I would get a selection of small amounts of various frozen foods from my LFS. Then try them out. I'm sure your puffers will chomp down on mist of them. Once you know how much and what they like you can get larger packages as needed.


Well-Known Member
Mine liked the freeze dried krill a lot, but as was posted above....they will try just about anything. I used to feed mine the little pond snails that were in one of my planted tanks and he loved to crunch on them. Used to throw a small guppy in there every once in a while(when the population got too high) for him to chase around and seemed to like those too until he got too slow to catch them. Frozen bloodworms were a big hit as well.

Flakes, not so much...but pretty much anything with some substance to it he would go for.
well i had purchase 2 Knight Gobies yesterday. as far as the puffers goes, the 2 figure 8 and the 2 gsp love blood worms the most. and snack on a few snails when they come out of hiding in my 55.