Question about green coralline

I have some green algae starting to grow and its very hard and will not come off is this green coralline or some other nuisance algae? How do I tell.


Well-Known Member
The green coralline algae looks like the more usual purple coralline, except for the color. If it's just a small amount, you can leave it alone but keep an eye on it. If you see it getting fuzzy or hairy it's another problame algae.

As for coralline algaes, once you start scrapeing them off of equipment, you'll find that it's simply another nuisance algae. It might look a little better, but it's still a pain to deal with.
Okay so for now just leave it and let it take its course? I'm going to try and post pics tomorrow when tank lights come back on. Also it's starting to form on sides of tank and it's acrylic but comes off easy with scraper then leftovers with magnet.


best thing ive done and noticed to work for cyano was to black out a couple days and manual remove. cyano is a sign of low current in that spot. try adjusting a powerhead to get better flow in that/those areas.
I have been moving power heads around and now it's coming back just, on my sand and all my bulbs are new 3 10000k t5 and 3 acetonic or however u spell it t5 bulbs all 48 inch long tank is a 70 gallon acrylic and have a 35 gallon sump. Tank lately just always looks dirty I did scrub the he'll out of rock and sand and now two days later it's back. If I do a black out what's the best way to do it and will it affect my corals


I turned my timers off for 24 hours then back on for normal cycle for 24 hours then back off for 24. Then I just low intinsity for a few days. Shouldn't hurt the coral they just nay not come out. Depends what coral you have too. What did you scrub your rocks with? I hope u didn't scrub them clean


Well-Known Member
If your going to do a black out to try to control algae, you want the tank and sump completely dark as in no light at all. This means you cover the tank and sump with something like blankets or cardboard, so light doesn't get in at all.

You generally want to maintain this condition for 3 day. No peaking! Your corals will be fine. They are often in shipping containers that long. This method will take care of some kinds of algae, but not all.

I do NOT recommend the method mentioned by Newjack, of just turning the lights off for a day, and then one day normal. Just too much light gets in, and that's just enough to keep the algae going.
No lightly scrubbed with a soft bristle toothbrush while they stayed in tank and just have some shrooms zoas and polyps which don't look very happy today lol


Active Member
How new is the tank? I have a fairly new tank, and I had gotten a small outbreak of Cyano early on. I just pulled it out a few times and it has been gone since. If your tank is new, you might be dealing with a small outbreak as part of the Uglies all new tanks go through.