Pulsing Steel Blue Xenia Coral spreading


Hi All,
I have a few (3) stalks of the Pulsing Steel Blue Xenia Coral on a small rock. They have been in my tank for about a month now. Yesterday while scanning the tank, I found that there is another stalk growing on a rock in the middle of the tank.
I did not know that Pulsing Steel Blue Xenia Coral is a coral that can spread, and wanted to know if anyone else has seen this?


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
Yeah Xenia, Kenya trees and some zoas just seem to multiply like rabbits. Clove polyps are the worst. I like them but avoid them cause they will take over a tank


Well-Known Member
Xenia are undesirb|e by some, but you can frag and trade for things at a |FS, my keyboard sux, I need a new one, geez!