Problems with Arduino DIY Doser


New Member
Hi guys,
I am currently having a go at programming/building a dosing pump using arduino for my RSM 130D.
I had it all wired up and running fine then suddenly my I2C lcd display started showing only blank white squares along the top line.
I have since gone back to basics and tried just running the old "Hello World" scketch but for the life of me I can't get the LCD to display anything.
I have swapped arduino board, I have two uno's and a mega 256 and I have swapped LCD's from a 16x2 to a 20x4 but I cant get anything to display.
I am pulling my hair out and am so frustrated that I am ready to ditch the whole thing, especially seeing I had it working and ready to mount.
Can anyone out there help me PLEASE.


Sorry to hear about your equipment problems. Hopefully someone will come through and offer some help. Unfortunately there are only a small handful of Reef Sanctuary members dabbling in Arduino but maybe someone can offer some advice.

Here's a :bump: for you :)