Porcupine Puffer


Active Member
Can anyone tell me how long does a Porcupine Puffer live in a tank and how long do they live in the wild.


Active Member
A friend of mines daughter needs the info for a school report. I have looked in all my books and looked on the net and could not find the info. SO I was hoping someone here knew.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gina .... nice link. If you can't find what you want on the net, I usually find if you type the word.com, you'll find what you want. Good find though mate


Active Member
Thanks Gina

I just got done reading it. It has a lot of info but does not say how long that they will live. I will keep on looking. The report is due the 20th.


Ok, I just posted this question at RC in the Reef Fish section. There are several post there of people who have these fish so...We'll see if I get an answer. I'll go and check it soon.


So far I've gotten 1 hit. This person says he remembers reading that they don't live long in captivity around maybe 2 years but, doesn't remember where he read it. Says he has one that is a year or so old himself and his isn't fully grown yet. It's only about 5-6" right now... So, I'm still looking for you!


Ok, I just did a search on google for lifespans of puffer fish and finally find a question of lifespan. One guys asked if 2-3 years of age was old for a puffer and the person said NO. It has been reported that people have kept puffers for as long as 20 years.

A point of interest that he gave though, was that Public Aquariums keep records of such information.

So, maybe if she called a public aquarium they could help her out with some info on the lifespans of puffers.

It's a thought! I'll also keep check my post over there.


Location: El Paso, TX
Occupation: DHS
Posts: 1914
Someone told me that maybe you could e-mail this Kelly Jedlicki and ask her about lifespan of puffers.

Good Luck in finding your answer!

In an appropriate aquarium with a nutritious diet a puffer (or most marine fishes) should live 20+ years.
I have several friends in the hobby that keep a varied group of puffers which range from 8yrs to about 15-16yrs.

In the wild they have to contend with predators and other survival obstacles, so the average may be quite a bit lower.

You can contact Kelly Jedlicki (the Puffer Queen) over at LMAS for her information on puffers.
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