Places to Buy Live Fish Online...


New Member
I am hoping some people here have some good places to buy Marine Fish..In the past for my 75G I have ordered from Marine Depot Live, Pet Solutions does anyone else know some good places...especially if they might be in the Northeast as I am from Maine....


Well-Known Member
I've never used them, but I have friends who swear by's Foster & Smith's livestock side.


New Member
The suggestions above seem to cover everything up. You can always search for reviews of the sites mentioned in google. If their main business is selling fish, they wouldn't do anything to ruin their reputation.
I also prefer an LFS, if possible, but unfortunately I live in ND. I've had fabulous luck with;,, and (including divers den). I trust all of these vendors to send me healthy livestock.


I'm thinking of placing my first live order soon. Any problems ordering in the dog days of summer? It's in the hight 90F range where I live. Do they use ice packs?

I used to prefer the LFS too. But now the selections seem limited and prices high. I used to think it was "safer" to go the LFS route as opposed to shipping. But then it occured to me that the LFS gets them shipped too. So the fish has come halfway accross the country (or world) anyway,acclimated in the LFS tanks, then again a few days or weeks later in my tank. So it seems by mail ordering, I'm taking one stressfull acclimation out of the equation. And saving some money usually.

Plus most LFS's seem to have one big water circuit for all the fish, including "ich magnets" like Tangs etc. Most the stores try their best to keep the fish in good health, but you still often see some poor fish suffering or near death in the corner in some tank. I always picture that these first class on line operations have sophisticated quarantine tanks and proceedures. So I'm speculating that it's actually less stressful on the fish to buy on-line, and chances are they have been isolated and therefore less likely to be carriers of disease. But this is all speculation on my part, as I've never seen the back rooms of these on line operations. Any qualified infromation out there?


New Member
I know what you mean n8 haha it's hot as hades here in maryland. It shouldn't be a problem if you request some cooling packs. However since you are here in maryland, I recommend visiting That Fish Place (yes that's the name) up in PA they are an online ordering site, but you can visit and pick out the fish yourself there, and it won't have to go through the stress of shipping and such. plus it's basically the same price, just no shipping!