Placement of Hammer Coral?


hey was wondering where in my tank should i place my new hammer coral? any suggestions. i heard they like the bottom on the sand bed? correct me if im wrong please. Thanks:ponder2:


It depends on your LIGHT and FLOW.

They like medium light but can adapt (over time) to almost any light.

As for flow they like SOME flow but not direct and not flow that can push their soft tissue back against their sharp skeleton.


Well-Known Member
Just keep watching it as you move it to different places in the tank. I have some up high and some down low. They don't particularly like the shade and they doo like to be in some cuurent. When you have found the right place, you will know.
my frogspawn is so large it stretches from the sandbed all the way to about 1/2 way to the top of my 125gallon. All of the heads are doing well so its can be placed anywhere really just make sure its got moderate flow.


Just keep watching it as you move it to different places in the tank. I have some up high and some down low. They don't particularly like the shade and they doo like to be in some cuurent. When you have found the right place, you will know.

if you build it, they will come


i have kept them in the sand bed attached to a big round plug i made, and they seem to be loving that spot...thanks for the info guys


I have mine mid level all the way to the bottom on the sand medium light. Current wise they prefer enough current to gentle with an occasional medium strong blast. Their tentacles should sway gently in the current.

see all the hammers and frogspawns in my 215g with 400w halides and 4 4ft t5's. Bottom up to middle and they get good gentle flow with a blast now and then had one off them for 10 years now with around 70+ frags of it.


Mine are in medium flow but every now and then get a strong blast from my vortecs that cycle up and down they do really well as their tissue grows down the stalks and each head has atleast 8 babies growing at its base. I think the semi-strong (not a focused jet blast) blast helps clear out waste products and contributes to a healthier coral.


New Member
This is perfect as this is the post I was looking the hammer and / or frogspawn ON the sandbed? Directly? Or on top of something as a base for the coral to be slightly 'off' the sand? Please advise- thanks!


Chelle that sort of depends on several factors. What type of lights, how much flow and where is the flow pointed/directed. I've got hammer, frogspawn and torch in almost every single place in my tanks.. Sandbed, midway on some rock and HIGH up on the top of some rock. It's doing well in all three places.

I think this post (I'm partial yes) sums up my thoughts on the subject . .
It depends on your LIGHT and FLOW.

They like medium light but can adapt (over time) to almost any light.

As for flow they like SOME flow but not direct and not flow that can push their soft tissue back against their sharp skeleton.