phosphate levels


had a large long tentacle plate coral die overnight...removal was messy and contaminated the tank
iv done recomended water changes 4 times and added the bottled beneficial bacteria (recomended by lfs)
phosphate currently reads about 2.0 maybe a little less, all other levels are stable (ph, nitrate, ammonia, salinity, etc.)
tank is 65 gallons, 40 lbs live rock, 15 gallon sump w/ skimmer

how do i lower phosphate????? do i need to add more bacteria? suggestions please, im at a total loss and its hard to drive to the lfs whenever i have any questions (iv already spent enough $ in gas traveling to get water for my previous water changes)
the fastest would be keep doing WC
you can add up a really good carbon and gfo, but i prefer carbon would help you clean the water.
cuz phos at 2.0 is pretty high acutally.


thats great thanks for the advice, im going to add charcol filtration right now and do another water change tomorow morning!