

Ok, i have a good friend that is manager at one and can get me gooood discounts..sometimes even 5 finger discounts :) lol
is there anything worth gettin at almost free price from that place??
(SW) ;)


They carry salt, API test kits, some lights (not sure about quality),
live sand and some chemicals and foods.

Go look in the store or on line.


Well-Known Member
they have a 30 gal all glass cube thats way sweet.

its like 350 bucks for the tank and stand.

i want one bad


Yeah! They have the salt that I use ther...whats it called..uhhhh not reef crystals but the "non-reef" version.

Also they have frozen mysis shrimp, testing kits, digital thermometers, live sand, I cant think of anything else right now. Ohhh, cheap tanks I think the 10g tank was on sale for 9.99 this weekend I almost got one to make a sump but I think I want a 20g to do that. Those were about $25 so almost $1 per gallon.


Well-Known Member
I use the Instant Ocean salt in my system and it works fine. The calc is low in it but I dose to bring it back up. Other than that, it's good salt.

After you get set up, maybe you can rescue some fish from there.