overflow adjustments?


New Member
Ok, I recently dumped my 2 hob filters and went with a hob overflow and 15 gal sump with a mag 7.
my question is how do i adjust my overflow to restart after power failure?
it never realy loses siphon it just doesnt restart at a high enough flow to outrun the return pump!
I am using a durso standpipe, do you think i need to make it taller or maybe shorter? its about a 1/4 of the hight of the outer box.
or do I need to lower the 2 boxes? they are both adjusted almost all the way up. I just dont know! after power loss when it restarts it just trickles through and the tank tries to overflow until the sump emptys out!
oh, it is a standard overflow with a u tube. I know it can handle it because when it runs uninterupted it performs quite well.
anybody have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
"Standard overflow with a U-tube" covers a lot of not too standard units. Have a brand? How about a picture? I used LifeReef overflows for many years with no problems at all. It's all in the design of the overflow. Some (like the LifeReef) are great, others are horrible. I had an Amiracle for a few years, and it worked ok, but was not as dependable as the LifeReef.
It's fairly normal for the overflow to run kind of slowly at first, until the water level rises to the normal height, as it's getting less water when the tank level is lower. HOWEVER, if it never completely picks up again, THAT can indeed be a problem. I'm wondering if you have pump, overflow and sump properly sized for your tank.
More info is needed to accurately diagnose the problem.
BTW, a Mag 7 will often outpace most HOB overflows. IIRC, MOST of them are rated for a MAX of 600 GPH, and many are only rated for 300-400 GPH. Your Durso MAY be restricting the flow as well.


New Member
Well, it turns out Im just a moron, I was losing siphon. after adjusting the inner box up it started working perfect! it just took some playing with!
thanx all!