Over run with spaghetti worms....


Well guys, it's happened. I'm being overrun with spaghetti worms. To the point that they are causing my rics to close up :(

Any tips for getting rid of these things? I few are nice but all I see now are white tentacles everywhere... its kinda freaky!! :bluemad:

I've read a sandsifting star might do it, but I've only got a 28 gallon... don't they get rather large???

Thanks guys!!!


Can you put one in a bag and send it to me? I find them facinating. Only have seen them a couple of times.
Sandsifters get about 4-5 inches across. Had one for a while and I didn't like the results. Removes good stuff from in sand.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest manually removing them - with gloves - if you have that many.
You may be over feeding if you have a big population.
Stop feeding them and they will stop multiplying


Yeah.. I do tend to overfeed... I've slowly been cutting back.
How many times a day do you guys feed your fish?

I don't mind shipping em out! Any advise on how to send these critters??

They're all in the rocks and the sand. I know I can get the ones out of the sand. It's kinda cool but creepy to see them sticking their tentacles out of the sand.