OT: Well I think I will stay for a visit!


Active Member
How is your summer guys? Mine pretty good...a little lonely without my fish but hey I got to prepare for college. I just came back from a two week scuba, hiking, and sailing trip in the caribbean at St. Lucia and Martinique. I took some picture let me see if I can upload them on here now. I lost 8lbs on that trip.


Active Member
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

i have a feeling they may be too big.... Oh well I did see lots of eels and colorful fish. Goldentail moray, spotten moray, angles, puffers, butterflies, ect. I saw an electric ray too! I'll have to head over to photobucket later. Just wanted to stop in and say hi


Well-Known Member
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

sounds like a blast. Are you doing summer classes or starting in the fall?


Brunt of all Jokes~
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

Hey Carty! sounds like a good time, didnt kidnap any sharks did ya?


Active Member
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

"Are you doing summer classes or starting in the fall?"I'm starting in the fall at florida tech. Seems like I got a nice easy schedule..Knock on wood.

Sasquatch... nooooo I didn't even spot a shark :( But night diving was sweet! I saw an octopus that made his home with a rock, shells, and of course a beer can!


Well-Known Member
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

Sasquatch... nooooo I didn't even spot a shark :( But night diving was sweet! I saw an octopus that made his home with a rock, shells, and of course a beer can!

Are you sure that was an octopus or was it Boozeman? :D:laughroll


Well-Known Member
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

Glad you stopped in for a visit. Nice to hear from you.


Smile Maker
Re: Well I think I will stay for a visit!

Hey Carty, happy to hear from you. Sounds like a great dive trip. Have you tried uploading your pictures to photobucket.com then post the iink , it's free and then we'll get to see them!:D