OT WeightLoss Thread


Well-Known Member
congrats on the chronicle, jojo. i joined an online community after olivia was born and it's got a lot of good information, exercises and a tool to help you keep track of your exercising eating habits, etc. you can even put in your current weight, your goal weight, and goal date and it calculates how many calories you have to burn a day to get there.

It's totally free and easy to use. Sparkpeople


Well-Known Member
Awesome!! I've been trying to take off weight since my daughter was born (4 years now, argh). It sucks, really.

I don't know how to post the link to this but try this: on Dotti's Weight Loss Zone (she's big into Weight Watchers, lists all kinds of food calories and points for WW) she has a link to "Weight Commander". It's basically a weight tracker. They guy who wrote it asks for $10 and I think it's worth it -- has little funny additions that are pretty cool.

Dotti's site is (I'll spread this out) d w l z dot com


Got my self back ontrack - Thanks JoJo!
My favorite tool is Fitday.com - you input your activities and what you eat and it lets ou know your calories for the day and how many you have burned. You can also track your progress and see where you will be IF you stick to your plan. Does take some time to input what you have eaten and daily activities but keeps me honest!!


Active Member
I believe I used to use fitday, I was consuming 1800 calories daily and nothing was going on. So I stopped counting the calories, started worrying more about what exactly was going into my mouth, moreso than fixating on the number. And then cardio at the gym 4 times a week, light cardio at home whenever I could squeeze it in. Took me several months to lose 15 lbs. But, 15 lbs is 15 lbs. Then I was pregnant with my 2nd kid. I didn't handle it well, 8 months of being sick. No whole grains, they made me sick...salad when you have an upset stomach...no. I was all about carbs until I could settle my stomach. Only gained 8 lbs during the pregnancy...it was all baby weight! I can lose fat in my legs easily, but if you ever had kids...you know where most of the fat deposits and how tough it is to get rid of.
JoJo...yeah, OK...I'm in...but I'm not showing any pics or revealing my weight! I'll start right after I finish my 1st pot of coffee and go from there.


Active Member
glad to have you on board. no problems with the pics, just let us know how much you've lost. i had to post a pic of me as i am now to keep me honest


Has been struck by the ban stick
Hey jojo, I do not need a diet, but my mother is diabetic and was getting concerned with her weight, she is on the south beach diet, and has lost about 15 lbs in 4 weeks just from eating good and eating right.


Active Member
Yep, just weighed in...gotta go see if I can remember the combo on my lock so that I can hang out at the gym.


Active Member
well alright then. i'm starting with heavy cardio & light weightlifting. we eating less fried food, lower carbs, higher fiber, protein, more veggies.

my goal is walking/jogging 5 miles a day & 50 push-ups to start with.


Active Member
My goals for the week include, getting my butt back to the gym for starters, doing cardio and weights...moreso cardio. I do like the elliptical machine! Cutting back on my caffiene which will be the hardest part and getting back on the water. More greens, more fruit. This afternoon I will make my doctor's appt to review my blood pressure and when I see him I'll address having a full check up of my cholesterol, thyroid, iron blah blah blah...make sure there is nothing amiss there. I'll post what I accomplished next week along with where I fudged.

Like I said, it takes a long time for me to drop one pound, but results of dieting will show up through my medical work ups and I usually get to feeling better and I get more natural energy, which I have to measure as an accomplishment in itself.


Active Member
The kits are pretty much everything you need for a two week period. You get meal replacement shakes which most people use for breakfast, a 14 day supply of vitamins, and then the spark line of energy drink. Spark contains 45 calories, no sugar( so you dont get that crash when it wears off), and 21 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients so that it is actually a healthy form of energy and not just a bunch of caffeine. The meal replacement shakes come in three different flavors just as the spark does. The shakes provide 50 vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, antioxidants and other nutrients for optimal health and wellness while you are dieting. And the vitamins are there for a few reasons. They improve the way your body takes in the nutrients by helping to clean out your intestines, as well as suppressing your appetite somewhat during the day, and jump starting your metabolism, so if you are working out you will notice results very quickly on the energy level. I may have covered everything but if you wanna see the products just go to this link..


The only downfall is that it is a little pricy, but you can stop your normal multi vitamin and you do not need to buy anything for breakfast because you use the shake. It is $98.50 for a kit that lasts 2 weeks, so it comes out to somewhere around 7 dollars a day. You can also buy the stuff individually from the site if you think you will only need the vitamins or only need the shakes, and they sell spark by the canister or by the pouches, that is pretty much all i drink now.


You should see my picture at the top as well as my name. If you are worried about the legitimacy of the company as some people are there is a board of doctors, PHD's, and nutritionalists that make everything they sell. The guy who invented tube feeding is actually the head of the sci/med board. If you have any other questions, or anyone else, please feel free to email me at healthyliving2day@gmail.com . And if you are going to make an order because you like something that you see make sure you go the www.advocare.com/08031305 and then hit shop now(found on the upper bar under the large Advocare logo), then when you go to the cart you will have to set up a customer account, but if you dont add the eight numbers at the end when you originally go to the site i get no credit for referring people to the products, and that makes me sad...lol


Active Member
Thanks for the info Jeremy. i'm not sure if its allowed or not but maybe you can put a link to the site in the signature.


Active Member
Becky, my wife loves the elliptical too. a couple of years ago while training, i used it for about a week but had to stop because my thighs had swollen up so much, 38 would fit my waist loosely but my thighs could only fit a 42 comfortably. it took about 3 months for it to go down.


Active Member
I cant get my signature to work for some reason. I have it all set up but it wont display. I am so dumb at forums sometimes:drooool: Nevermind, its working now..lol
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Well-Known Member
Nice thread!
Good Luck everyone.

The first of January `06 I started on the South Beach Diet.
No Sugar, starches and processed grains. Yes to Whole grains!
I try not to think of it as a diet as much as it is a way of eating.
IME diets are set up to fail.
I also am a firm believer of NO SCALES! So I do not know how much weight I have lost. However my pant size had dropped 10 inches by the end of the year (so probably around 100lbs?). Okay i'll tell you since this is the honesty thread. . I was wearing size 54 pants and now I am in 44s. This past winter is the first winter in a long time that I did not gain. I didnt lose any more inches but I held steady which is a big plus in my book.

Our rule is that South Beach does not travel with us so If we go on vacation or take a long weekend trip we eat as we please but once we get home it is back to the basics. About once a month we treat ourselves to a little treat like a pint of ice cream or a slice of cake or such.

I have been surprised by how easy it has been to convert to the South Beach way of eating. The first couple of weeks were tough as you go through the sugar and potato withdrawal but then it got easy. I was also surprised at how the pounds dropped as I didn't start going to the gym or working out or anything like that.

I'd really like to drop another 6 inches. Wearing size 38s would be pretty cool. Now that winter is almost over I will soon start riding my bike to work again which is a nice 5 mile ride each way so that will certainly help.

Seeing all you guys and gals sharing about this I just thought I could add my experience too. We CAN do it!


Active Member
My only problem is i need to do the opposite of everyone, and there are not many of those people out there. I was about 15 when i got mono, and since then something has been wrong with me that is unknown to about 3 doctors. I have not weighed over 145lbs since the mono started. My BMI is super low and my body fat percentage is a whopping 9. It also does not help that i have horrible anxiety issues so my stomach hurts most of the time, but the only way to deal with that is through medication, and i really dont like the idea of that.


Active Member
That shake in the morning sans food would not work for me. On an empty stomach, anything sweet tasting makes for a bad day. I'd rather stick to my Kashi, the occasional piece of toast and fruit...oh and my evil coffee!


Jojo, congrats to you! It's a big step to undertake, but a very rewarding one!

I too am 5'10", but I was pushin' 300lbs back around December 1st '07. I was very unhappy with the shape I was in to say the least. With the help of my wife, proper eating/nutrition and LOTS of exercise, I've dropped 65 lbs in 4 1/2 months! My doctor has since taken me completely off of blood pressure med and my asthma meds. I still take one maintenance prescription, but a reduced dosage. I've slept better than I have in a long time AND, I no longer snore! The wife loves that part! LOL

I feel that if I can do it (and I sit at a desk all day), then anyone can!

Great thread and keep up the good work. And above all else, when you get down or "hit a wall" in your training, just remember that you are NOT alone!!!!


Active Member
The shake is almost like a slim fast shake, but with much more nutritional value. You can also add stuff like fruit to the berry one, peanut butter to the chocolate shake, and pineapple in the vanilla shake tastes awesome. I am sure you could still have your toast, and the coffee would not have to go anywhere.