OT: Losing Nemo

I know it's been 4 years, but this movie is still going strong. I was in my LFS where a 3 year old was explaining to his father about specific urchins, starfish, and fish in general. this kid could've put 90% of us to shame. then all of a sudden he saw a percula clown and ":bugout: IT'S NEMO!!!!"
I didn't want to crowd the General Discussion board with this, but it's not all that off topic either.
It might have been discussed to death already, but I was wondering what everyone's opinion about the impact the movie made on this hobby.
I think it did help in a way i.e. the 3yr old, but had more of a negative impact. Inexperienced people rushing out to set up tanks either for themselves or their children without knowing much about it except they wanted Nemo and Dory. I'm also sure it didn't help out the Moorish Idol's either.
The sudden increase of demand meant the supply also had to, meaning overfishing and such.
What do you think, or should i say what did you think? Or do you have any Findin Nemo related stories.


Well-Known Member
Re: Losing Nemo

Every time I go to my favorite LFS, there are little kids running around, "LOOK DADDY IT"S NEMO!!!" and when I went to the awesome Baltimore Aquarium there were young ADULTS saying "its NEMO! OH ITS DORY!!!" It is kinda funny, but also a little annoying...


RS Sponsor
Re: Losing Nemo

owning a shop & that movie as well as the other movies like it have inceased the desire to have that exact fish line up in many tanks the problem is everyone wants to do it in a cute little 10 gallon tank


Well-Known Member
Re: Losing Nemo

Wanting a reef tank with a husband that didn't :)
used Nemo as an excuse to set up a nano for a clown to "educate" our daughter. We now have 3 reef tanks running :) I did have an advanage in that I had tried a marine tank 15 years ago so as opposed to someone seeing the movie and having no clue what a marine/reef tank entails.
Re: Losing Nemo

I'd have to somewhat agree with Fionn_Matt325. I've witnessed it several times myself in various pet stores. The issue is compounded when you have employees of the stores who know even less. It's a real shame when they allow people to buy "everything" all in one day. I'm sure there are those customers who wont wait, but a simple explanation of the natural cycle of an aquarium would be a big plus. Instead, customer shows up 10 days later with their dead fish, Not knowing why & the pet store is only too happy to sell them more! I don't mean to downplay all fish shops I have met some very responsible people there. But the urge to placate your child can be a strong one. My own daughter was already grown & out on her own before I started to set up a marine tank.


Well-Known Member
Re: Losing Nemo

yea, that movie really expanded this hobby way beyond the horizons of common sense.

i hate the whole nemo thing. i mean their tank had a hob powerfilter. jeez.

kids can call those things nemo. i calle apatasauruses little foot when i was young.

it the full blown adults, and blow up chicks that call them nemo that drives me nuts.

it aint called nemo its Amphiprion Ocellaris.
