Orchid Dottyback Question


Hi everyone,
Last week I bought a dottyback & now it's gone MIA. It was eating the first 2 days and has been gone since Monday. I checked the floor and anywhere else it could have jumped to but haven't found a body. The water parameters have remained normal so I don't think it's in there decaying. My question is does anyone have any experience with a dottyback going hiding for a few weeks and then reappearing? I did searches on some of the other boards & really didn't find too much info. Thanks for any help you can offer up.



Well-Known Member
dotties in general like the rocks,,,so it isnt too farfetched that it is hiding. i have a fairy wrasse that hid for a week after acclimation, i assumed it was gone, then it popped out healthy and happy. it may be coming out when your not around. also if it is doa, tank size may have a factor here, small fish large volume of water= no readings "out of whack". (yes, that is a technical term)
My dottyback just loves hiding in his cave. Also I have a blue damsel that can forces the issue as well.

Some days I can't see the orchid.....but as soon as I feed he snaps out.

It may be possible that he found a hole that he likes and doesn't need to venture far from it. Maybe he's even able to eat from there without going into full view.

I have noticed that the orchids are shy as compared to the beligerant strawberry or diadema dotty's.

Give it some time, he may show up yet.


Same here. I have an orchid dottyback and she must have one heck of a cave built under the rocks! She loves going in there. She also is always working on it. She brings out mouthfuls of sand and spits it everywhere! Until they get used to you they can be shy and if they see you coming swim back to their hole.


Well-Known Member
I had an orchid dottyback that loved to hid whenever I was in the room. It took nearly a month before he would come out of hiding while I was around. Unfortuantly I also lost him to jumping out of the tank.


Thanks you for all the replies! At least there's a chance he's alive and doing his own thing. Thanks again all, you have eased my mind. Now all I have to do is wait.



Well-Known Member
I've heard of several dottybacks, (not just the friedmani's/orchids), hiding for so long that the owner assumed the fish had died/jump out a YEAR ago....and was all sorts of happy to find it breaking down the tank and moving it. So there is a very good chance you still have the fish in the tank. Kinda sucks that you cant see it, but at least its there....


Sturgeon General
I've had two dottys, a royal and a magenta. I've never own an orchid, though. Although I agree they like to spend a great deal of time in the rocks, mine have always been visible at least half the time. They are generally aggressive, and not shy of other fish, even much larger ones, although the orchid is less aggressive. My royal did hide for a few days when he was new, but it didn't take long for him to become second-in-charge in the tank. Hope your turns up!