Opinions Wanted


Active Member
Okay,I'm sick! I am going to set up one more tank,(3rd), and it's only because I didn't pay a dime for the set up. A longtime friend is moving and had to ditch a Elite 45 Gal half-cylinder tank. It was set up for his Sea horses, he was breeding them for LFS's.Horses are gone, but I got there house.What should I do with this?Hmmmmm?I have a big display reef and a Nano/quarantine.So what would you do if you had an extra tank/stand/equip Open to every and all suggestions, and off the wall is what I think I'm looking for,thanks for the help in advance. :rolleyes:


Wannabe Guru
If it were me I would go Seahorses and pipefish. My LFS sells tank-bred Seahorses that are accustomed to frozen foods I think it would be cool :) Or you could go with an Angler.


Active Member
AND WE ARE OFF!!!We got the Sea horses leading out the gate by two lengths followed closely by the Angler.The horses are looking good, but the angler's now makin a bid at the title and we're comin around the rail...


Active Member
mmm....you can use to to grow and harvest macro algae...:)

or not..

i say a bannanna eel tank.

or a really big mantis tank..



Active Member
...But wait we have jellyfish maken a move in the back of the pack.Mantis coming up from the outside,still angler and sea horse, neck and neck down the straight away!LOL

On the side though, mantis can break glass right? It's glass, I don't want to risk that.


Breed your own Sea Horses......I've seen the how much they cost.....You'd end up with one nice bank rol providing you can find someone to buy from you. :D


Seahorses and pipefish for sure! I'm just waiting for the day when I can set up a second tank for just that purpose!

Second choice would be Octo!


Active Member
...The seahorse is makin a charge heading for the backstraight.Looks like this could be a land slide folks.Seahorse is pulling away to a substancial lead at this time, angler still holding on to second followed by jellyfish and the rest of the field.As we make the turn towards the finish...


Active Member
Bananna Eel!!

Bananna Eel!!

Bananna Eel!!

Bananna Eel!!

theres 4 more for Bananna Eel - you could call him Bannana!



Active Member
I like that!Hey J, how about a pic of this eel?I'm not sure what it is or if I've seen one.Is it the Brazilian Eel?

Mad Mike

Active Member
And "only" 199.99

2 please :rolleyes:

Here's a pic of the Banana Eel. It is from Brazil but, I no nothing about these guys so, I can't help you out!

Hmmmmm probably just have to speak Portuguese and ask it ;)