Newbie with ICH and Question about QT


New Member
I read the threads by leebca and was so bummed he's no longer on here, but I'm hoping somebody can help me out.

I've got all of my fish (1 Tang, 1 Clown, 1 Niger Trigger & 1 Dragon Wrasse) in a QT.

1) I treated them with Parashield for the 5 days per instructions and all visible signs of ICH are gone. Should I now do the hyposalinity process too?
2) Want to know if I can put some sand in the QT for the Wrasse as he seems stressed by not being able to 'go to sleep' at night and can't imagine he's going to do well for 8 weeks waiting for the DT to become clear of ICH.


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I can't speak about parashield because I've never used the product.

As far as curing the fish and ridding the tank - The fish need to be treated with either copper or hyposalinity in order for them to be ich free as stated in Lee's thread.

If you are that concerned about the wrasse then maybe you'd be better off just putting a small container filled with sand and open top in the tank just so the wrasse has a place to chill.


New Member
That's what I was planning, hyposalinity and new sand not to be in any other tank. Thank you so much guys! I'm trying so hard to save my fish, the Wrasse is quite a character! Sure have learned a lot in a very short time.


New Member
So I tried new sand in a bowl and the Wrasse didn't go for it. Put some sand on one side of the tank and he was 'in bed' within a couple hours.

But my (rather old) black n white Clown is looking terrible! He's the one I saw the ICH on first and the worst. I did a freshwater dip on him, so we'll see. Pretty sure he's he's not going to make it. But he's survived an awful lot of disease with the previous tank owner, hopefully he'll survive this, too. (I call him Chuck Norris!).

Everyone else is looking good, eating, etc.

Thanks again everyone!
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