Newbie Tank Crash Question


I will pray to the reef god this never happens when I get my 100gal reef setup. My question is with a tank crash does it wipe out LR and live sand?
Or simply just the organisms on and in it? Can both be kept, or do you start from square 1 again?


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
It depends on why and how badly the tank crashed....
  • If it was due to medication with copper, no you can not use the LR nor sand because it will have absorbed the copper only to slowly release it later to kill inverts;
  • If it was a major crash and you are sure it wiped out everythign, I would scrub/rinse the LR and rinse the sand before using it again;
  • If it was just a minor crash, you could just leave it be and let it cycle again.


Well-Known Member
Like woodstock mentioned, it really depends on why the tank crashed.

If the water parameters were really far off I owuld correct the water parameters as soon as possible and leave the rocks in the tank. there are some very resilient animals that have the ability to live through some extreme conditions so don't let the rocks dry out if you don't have to.

If you lost all your livestock due to something like ich or marine velvet the I would recommend that you leave the rocks cycle in an empty tank (no fish or corals) for a couple months to ensure that the disease dies off in the tank.
If you crashed because of tank medication you probably need to start over again.

If you lost your tank do to ammonia, nitrates, ph drop or spike etc, then you can just wait it out and do water changes or you can start over again with new water.


Active Member
get a blood alchohol sample and make sure the tank wasnt drink driving. contact the insurance company and start again..

but yeh.. depends on how, what and why it crashed in the first place.