new tank

When mixing salt with water is it best to use a new 5 gallon bucket or mix diretly into the tank? I hope this is not to stupid of a question. It is a 29 gallon bio cube.


Smile Maker
It's best to mix the water/salt and let it age for a few days before adding it to your tank. The salt is caustic and can burn delicate organisms if not dissolved first.


Well-Known Member
Don't mix the water in the tank as it'll take time for all the salt to desolve and for the pH to stablize. It's best if you mix it seperately, ideally at least 24 hours ahead of time and make sure that you aerate it very well to drive off any accumulated CO2.


Active Member
I usually make up my salt water in a 30gal rubbermaid tub ($15 at Wal-mart) in the garage. I have a powerhead in there to mix it all up and also have a heater in there to get it to the desired temperature so it's not a shock to your livestock when you add it. Let it run like that for a day or two and it's all set. If you constantly keep it going you'll always be ready for your weekly water changes. Also, be sure to use RO/DI water unless you've tested your tap and it's amazingly pure. HTH