New Tank Portrait


Originally posted by Travis These were shot with the Canon 10D, 100mm macro lens, 28-135IS lens, 420EX flash unit, 500D close-up diopter and probably an extension tube here and there.

Travis...Help me with the 100mm macro lens. What is the minimum focus distance of that lens? What is the make?

I have a 19-35mm with a minimum focus of less than 6" on my 10D but can't seem to get the close ups you get. Are you setting up at a distance and shooting through a lot of air?

Thanks, bud!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey Hap, thanks for the nice words. The 100mm macro (Canon EF 100mm F/2.8 USM macro) has a minimum focus distance of about 12", but the 500D diopter and extension tubes allow me to get as close as I want, really. Down to maybe 1-2" if necessary, but with the 100mm focal length I rarely need to get that close. I think the main difference is a matter of focal length. You can focus from twice as close (assuming the 6" is at the 35mm end) but at 1/3 the focal length. If you have a longer lens, you should explore the 500D and extension tubes. They'll turn any lens into a macro lens.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Chris. Do you have a 420 or 550 EX yet?

If so, I can help. If not............ GET ONE! :)



T, the 500D diopter is a closeup lens, correct?

I have a 3x close up lens. I searched the internet and have found the extension tubes. But, I've not found any literature that explains the use. What do the extensions do for your shots?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hap, extension tubes are basically hollow pieces of plastic that go between the lens and the camera body. They have the appropriate electrical connections so your AF and metering still work properly.

What they do: The farther the lens is from your sensor, the closer it can focus. So extension tubes basically allow you to focus closer without any loss of image quality.

Knowing life can't be THAT easy, and everything is a give and take, here's what you lose with extension tubes: Light. With all 3 Kenko tubes (which I recommend) stacked, I can get incredibly close but lose probably 1.5 stops of light. Meaning where my shutter speed would have been 1/60, it is now about 1/25.

The other thing you sacrifice with tubes: The ability to focus from a distance. With all 3 tubes stacked on my 100mm macro, I probably can't focus from more than a foot away from my subject.

The 500D is Canon's dual-element diopter, it has been excellent to use, especially in combination with the smallest extension tube, and I have seen no loss in image quality. With a diopter, you usually sacrifice image quality but you don't lose light.

For me, a combination of both is perfect. I usually use the 500D and the smallest extension tube. I lose maybe 1/2 stop of light, but can get extremely close and have the range to back up a bit if I need to.



Travis, that explanation just nailed it for me. I understand now what I need to do to start getting some better macros.

Thanks for the lesson!



Has been struck by the ban stick
Travis besides being a great co-owner of RS and a friend, you take some incredible pictures to say the least. I am really amazed by them. Thanks for sharing!:)