New Rust Coloured Algae


I have a new rust coloured algae show up on the glass only today. Have not seen it before. Tank is 7.5 weeks old. Number are and have been good. Did a 10% water change 2 days ago.



Check your water source? May be introducing Silicates, causing diatom bloom. Especially if your adding new mix directly into the DT.


Check your water source? May be introducing Silicates, causing diatom bloom. Especially if your adding new mix directly into the DT.

I have been using tap water until last week at the recommendation of the LFS. After researching this site found out that tap water is potentially bad. Not having a RO/DI system yet I got RO water from the local water supply figuring I would use it until I got a RO/DI system. I did a 10% top off two days before the rust algae showed up. Never had it before. Sounds like this may be it. Should I go back to tap water until I get RO/DI system?
What can I do to get rid of algae. I have a CUC of hermit crabs and snails. They worked great on the diatom and green algae I had early on.


Does anyone have any suggestions on next steps to deal with this. I came home again today with a thin film of rust algae on the glass only again. I had diatom on the sand at one time during the cycle and the CUC took care of it very effectively. They are not doing anything on this brown algae on glass. Parameters are good.


It's a diatom bloom. Most likely caused by your water source. You could always use a a product like PhosGaurd which aids in the removal of Silicates, the primary cause of Diatoms.


Still get this on the glass. Must clean everyday. parameters are all in recommended range. I switched from Red Sea salt to a bulk box from a LFS and after a 10% WC & two days later I had this break out. . Could this be causing the diatom?


Well-Known Member
You have a couple of potential sources of your problem. However, it's not something to get that upset about. You also have a fairly newly set up system. Many new tanks go through some algae blooms and in a few weeks they are over. Don't panic. Just keep up with the tank maintenance. Consider adding to your clean up crew.


OK Thanks, I am just a bit anal and hate seeing it. Do you suggest anything in particular for added CUC? The snails are all over the rocks now and spend very little time on the glass. Crabs are doing well too. Most are in there 2 nd larger shells.


Well-Known Member
How many snails and hermits do you currently have?
What is the size of your tank?

Some people recommend as much as one snail and hemit per gallon of water. Personally I think this is high, unless you have a big problem and are willing to feed them once they take care of the issue.

I'd start with about one to two snails or hermits per about 5 gal of water amd see how they work out. This is one area where you can always add more later. Different snails like to feed in different areas. Mix up the species.