New R/o Di filter


New Member
I just received my R/ODI unit. I have read some posts stating that I will need to run some water through it when it is first new. How much do I need to run through it? I don't have a TDS meter yet. Also is there anything to do with the "waste" water other than dumping it down the drain?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I always let the first 10-15 gallons of product water go to waste. Allows the filters to get well rinsed before keeping the water. I also do this when changing filter cartridges, or if the unit hasn't been used in a while. The waste water is good clean water, (after all, it's been through sediment and carbon filters) and can be used for a myriad of things, e/g/; washing clothes, landscape watering, dishwashing, etc. I wouldn't wash a car, since it will probably leave hard water spots (especially if you're starting with hard water) but otherwise, you can use it for almost anything you want. Many cichlid keepers use it for their tanks, as africans like the harder water that is the waste water of an RO unit.


Well-Known Member
my instruction from my ROdi said disguard the first 5 gallons.

drink the waste water, put in in containors and chill it in your fridge.


Smile Maker
My instructions said to discard the first ten gallons to purge the liquid that the membrane is stored in. It is also my understanding that the membrane filter is not fully hydrated, thus not working at maximum efficiency, for about a week, but it is safe to use after the first ten gallons. Anyone else heard this?
Freeze the waste water and make an ice sculpture of King Neptune!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, same as from the tap, and it HAS been run through sediment and carbon filters, but think of it as having concentrated gunk in it...;)..all the stuff that gets rejected by the RO membrane is in that waste water...YOU can drink it if you want, but I'll pass...