New Corals and friends. Question on my Candy Cane?


Well I went to a place this weekend and got some new corals. Here are some pics for you. I also got 2 seahorses. But my question is why have my candy canes opened yet? Are they too close to my light or do they just take a few days? Also On my clam. Should he be on the live rock or is he ok in the sand?







Well-Known Member
Candy canes can take a few days to settle in and fully open. It could be too close tot he light depending on what lights they had it under before you got it. If your lights are more intense then I would move it lower to allow it to adjust.

The clam should be on the rock work. Croceas are extremely light demanding and are rock dwelling clams. It is also not good to keep clams on the sand as it leaves their bysall valve open to predation by worms and other critters.


Well-Known Member
I'm not positive, but I think those are trumpets, not candy canes. They look more like the trumpets that Kathy sent me vs. the candy canes I have. :dunno:


Well-Known Member
As far as the light, what are the dimensions of your tank? If these are in the 40g breeder tank, they typically aren't very high (top to bottom) so it might be getting a lot more light then it's used to. I'd put all new things on the bottom and slowly, over the course of weeks, move them up to where you want them.

I'm also a proponent of letting the corals pick a place that they like. I keep moving them around, different flow and different light, until they seem to perk up.