New additions - photo intense (dial-up beware!)

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Hmm, may need to add a pair to my next tank. Would a 45 gallon be too small? How big do they get and how well do they do solitary? TIA


Well-Known Member
They get to between 1 and 1-1/2" long... so not too big. They do best in pairs (makes it easier to wrestle starfish), but I imagine you could keep a single one without any problem.

If you refer to my posts above, you can see how to determine their gender, so as long as you get one of each, you'll be good to go (pairwise anyway).

They do get a bit pricey to feed though... we were told that a full-grown pair can eat two stars a week, though most reports I've seen have put that number at a 2" star every week or so... but if you have an asterina problem, these would be a great solution. :)

We're also working on 'regenerative' measures... i.e. cutting legs off stars and letting them grow back, so we'd be growing their food... we're still looking to see how that's going to pan out though.


Well-Known Member
We paid $60 for the pair ($29 each)... tries to sell a 'mated' pair for $70 + shipping, but we just picked two of the three that were in the tank (making sure they were male/female) and they paired up fine... I don't think it's worth the extra cash to get a pair that are already 'mated'... they mate up fine on their own. :D


Well-Known Member

I think we'll have to wait and see... if the male starts staying out late drinking and sleeping all day, then I think we'll know the answer. :D


Well-Known Member
how much you you pay for this wonderful reef? no, not 1 million dollars, not 750 thousand dollars, not even 500 thousand. RoncoReefs will send you this wonderful collection for a super low low price of 299 thousand dollars, Yes thats right all of this for a mere 299 thousand dollars, but wait,,,,thats not all. evry order gets our deluxe set of steak knives!

what want more? ok we love you, our customer. as an extra add gift, our way of saying thank you, we are going to give you at no extra charge an incredible never buy batteries again flashlight. thats right you can critter watch to your hearts content and never worry about batteries. simply shake vigorously and all the power you need is in your grasp. simply pay a small shipping and handling charge (red lens please add 29.99+tax)


Well-Known Member
Good deal Craig... you should have an easy time finding them down there... they don't like migrating north very often. :)

Thanks Mike... things are slowly shaping up bit by bit... you should've seen it a month ago... it was utterly heinous. :(

I'm still trying to figure out if you're in the right place or not Witty... :D
I just figured that you must by nipping that Crown Royal again... LOL! :clink:


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
David, I was once lucky enough to witness my female harlequin release her larva ball! It was very cool! If you ever notice your female climbing up high on a coral or rock late in the evening, she may be getting ready to release them so do not walk away ;)