Neil's Red Sea Max C-250 Journey


Small update

Tank is looking a lot healthier now. The water is crystal clear, it's always been a touch cloudy since I started. When I look along the long end its like looking through glass. Whether this is down to changing my method of dosing (into rear chamber next to skimmer outlet) or not is unknown.
Corals and fish etc looking good.

I have decided to aim for more conservative numbers regarding alk, calc and mag. At the moment they are around 8.4 alk, 435 calc and 1420 mag. My targets are 9 alk, 420 calc and 1350 mag.
I have, today, switched salts to Tropic Marin Pro Reef, as its numbers suit my target better. I am doing my first water change with this salt as I type.
Another reason for doing all this is I intend to start Balling Lite very soon, along with getting the new GHL doser 2.
I want to take some of the work out of keeping the params in check and create a more stable environment. Hope it all pans out.

I went to a LFS today and didn't get a coral! First time that's happened. I've told myself no more corals until I get everything sorted and stable.

I will probably be doing a rock shuffle this week along with removing the biggest bits of bubble algae and aiptasias.

Really pleased with the new MP40s, I have them running around 30%, sometimes 20, depending on the mode, then just 5% through the night.

Not much else to report, so I'll leave it there for now.
Thanks for reading.


One of my cleaner shrimp died in the night :(

Parameters are all in check. I'm putting it down to changing salt brand, since I did my first water change with it last night. I know inverts are more sensitive to change than most.


Thanks Adrienne, although I've lost my two SPS and have a problem with another.

Which leads me on to......

I have a 3 headed branched frogspawn that I've had for 6 weeks. Over the last week one of the heads has been detaching from the skeleton.
I've dipped the coral twice over the last 2 days, doesn't seem to have made a difference.

My question is, should I let it fully recede, or should I cut off the head/branch.

Here's a pic:

Receding Frogspawn by Neil Radford, on Flickr

Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
Neil, I read your thread on your issues with interest as I have been having major trouble with my tank - see my thread if you wish.

Your comment on the gloves got me thinking as my problem started the day I used gloves to clean my tank and the one zoa I kept bumping with them was second last coral to close, and today I see it has died. I've just asked for dosing advice too.

How are things going?