Need your help

Hello Everyone
Well I just finished plumbing the tank last night but i ran into a little problem. WATER SPLASHING NOISE
I have a 90 gallon AGA tank draining into a 29 gallon which I'm using as my sump. No trickle tower or drip plates on this one. However when I purchased all my equipment, I went for an acrilic mount with a filter sock attached to it.

For my problem.....
Water drains from the overflow box takes 2 turns (90 degree elbows) and drops into the filter sock. When the water hits the filter sock in the sump its sounds like I'm holding the water hose (turned on) over the tank and filling it up. You can just imagine the water splashing. What can I do? Should I change anything.

Drill Sergeant


can you extend the plumbing down a little further so that the output from your tank goes below the surface of the water in your sump?


Well-Known Member
That wold be my recommendation too, however, do it in such a way that you can take it apart easily to make changing the filter bag easier. Just add a coupler and extension pipe, and do not glue them together, and you should be good to go!


Thats exactly what I did, extended the pipe. Another advantage of this is it seems to help keep detritus from building up in the bottom of the sump..


I think Boomer's idea is the right one however I'ld suggest adding a "union" to the down piping vs. not glueing. If you leave it unglued and it is above the correct level "flood city". A union is cheap insurance.