Need help with Identification



Husband bought me a Coral and I can't find anything on it. He didn't get the name from the LFS that he got it from. Any help would be great.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a torch to me. Med to low flow. High to low light. Doesn't need to be spot fed. Will sting other corals, even frogspawn and hammers, but not other torches.


Thanks so much mikejrice you nailed it on the head its a Torch Coral!

Torch Coral

Now to try and figure out how to take better photos with the new camera I bought specifically for the saltwater

Olympus e-600

I got a good shot of the Green BTA him and my daughter got me with 2 baby Maroons. Waiting for him to find a comfortable spot so I can move the other corals.


Sorry for my shyness...

Still new, still uncomfortable with asking questions on forums yet. But I'm slowly coming out of my shell.



Thank you for the tip seafansar. :bouncer:

I might be digging up the 65g lights for temporary on the 29gal. Was waiting for warmer weather to stain the stand, and make the hood, before putting the 65 together.
Not sure how that BTA will do in that 8gal. :confused: What do you think? I know they call for a bigger tank. I do water changes ever sunday, 20% and change out the filter media every 2 weeks, but now it will be every week.
The 8 gal only had crabs, cleaner shrimp, and snails in it. Till now. But has been running for over a year though. I already have amphipods growing in the middle chamber, and on the live rock. :thumbup:
The 29 hood just gave out last week. :eek: I have to find and special order the hood because its so old. Or try and find a 24" light set cheap. But has only been set up a few months, just for curing and keeping the live rock in for the 65.

Such a thoughtful gift from my husband and daughter that got tired of staring at crabs shimp and snails. Yet makes it worse for me if I have to move everything around...ugh Was not prepared for this...but then again are we ever?


Well-Known Member
As long as you can keep the water conditions stable in the 8 gal, the anemone should do fine if it's only in there for the short term. People warn against keeping them in small tanks, cause they grow too large eventually. For now it should be fine.


Will do :clink:

Sundays are cleaning days anyway, and I'll check PH, Salinity, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, ect every 2-3 days.
Oceanic Systems | Products | BioCube Protein Skimmer
I keep a protein skimmer on overnight to help with bioload. It's meant for the 14/29gal, but works pretty good for an overnighter.

Thanks again, taking one last peek before I finally hit the sack. I'm waiting on the BTA to settle on a spot. Right now he's under all the rock. Lots of moving room though. Bridged the layout for the Maroons, and knew he would be moving around to find a comfortable spot, anyway.

Thank god I've been reading this site like mad every day for past 3 weeks lol. it totally pays to have an awsome reef site for emergencies.

