My Pistol shrimp is killing everything


I agree with Clownfish's idea..... Take one of those 20 oz. soda bottles, cut the top off at the same diameter as the bottom. Insert the top into the bottom so it acts as a funnel pointing in. Put in a piece of shrimp, fish etc.. Now you have your mini trap. That's how I caught my pistol, he was in there in less than an hour.


Yeah I guess he is still full from his black & white gourmet dinner. No luck so I am just going to leave the bottle in the tank and add some more shrimp tonight.


Dang, no luck yet. The PS in my 24 Nano somehow managed to get just far enough in to grab all the shrimp and slide back into the rocks. The trap in the 75 has been great at catching hermit crabs. The goby is great at darting in there for a bite to eat and sliding right back out. Still haven't seen the PS in the 75 either. So I guess I am going to have to modify the trap. I just used a water bottle, so I am guessing I need to glue some little flanges to make the opening smaller, or find something with a smaller mouth.


I haven't caught either one yet. I am just going to tear my 24 down tonight to get him. He actually managed to get food out of both traps we designed. The second trap was a square tupperware container the size of a sandwich. The wife cut a hole in the top and put a huge shrimp and scallop in it. He somehow managed to get the giant shrimp out and drag it back to the rocks.
The PS in the 75 hasn't gone near the trap. I did catch all of my hermit crabs in the tank, red & black blenny, and my big goby. In fact the blenny died in the process so here we are still losing fish to this stupid bugger. We are on a mission now!!!


I had never heard of a pistol shrimp even thinking about eating a fish unless it was already dead. Am I dumb for not having heard of this before? lol


Yeah I finally ended up just pulling out the rock to get to them. :rocket: The 24 was easy, and for the 75 I at least knew where he stayed so I only had to pull about half the rock out of it.
My mother in law was bringing us another B&W clown partner from our favorite not so local fish store down in Stuart, Aquatic-life. So we wanted to have the PS out of the 75 before she got him to us on Saturday.
It was pretty cool because we saw the little guy last weekend. He was marked just like our other one and about a half an inch bigger. The moment we put her in the other one in the tank immediately submitted his role as the male shaking all over the place. They paired up right away!! It was pretty cool because we were expecting a little more drama. Enough rambling, but a good ending to the PS episode.....


The photo of the shrimp listed doesn't look anything like my Pistol Shrimp. Mine is white/tan-ish with no spot or other color.

Its thick left pincer is obviously a little darker than the rest of him, but that is due to thickness and substance... So far it hasn't done anything but build tunnels under every rock...

Which actually has helped create a lot of hiding places for other fish...