My New website


It looks good but you have a broken link on all the gallery pages for title2.jpg.


Active Member
Thanks guys,

The links should be fixed, I had the images still linked to my Harddrive :( let me know if you still see issues Gina, Thanks :)



It looks real nice.

I am getting some rendering errors in firefox. The nav is absolute left and the link at the bottom of the page is overlapping your name.

How are you hosting? I like css lists for navigation rather than flash or images.( these are css buttons but you can make them even more fancy like yours.

I then like to include that nav with php or ssi so that if I have to update I can just change one file and have it updated sitewise. probably not a big deal on a small site like this but it is nice on larger ones. it is really really really easy to include if you have php or ssi available on your server.

if you need any help let me know.




How did you make the site? and how is it hosted.

There are alot of crazy terms in web design.

includes allow you to include a section of code that is kept in an external file into more than one page. It is like linking. It allows you to not code the same stuff on multiple pages. It comes in handy in navigation and footers. Anything that is going to be the same across the whole site. if you want to update a footer say to (website made in 2006 copyright michael lambert) you just change the 2005 to 2006 in one file that is included in all the pages on your site. The code for the php include is really simple. it is basically php include(the file you want included) you put that code wherever you want the footer or whatever to be and php takes the contents of the other file and plops it into the current page.

Confused yet?



Active Member
It was made in Dreamweaver, and is hosted just on the server that im with. Not sure what kind of info you are looking for about the servers.



here is a screenshot showing how the page displays in firefox/mac

see how the link is over the phone #.

and it seems like there is too much space between the buttons and the text. if you moved them over a little to the right it would look a little better.

I hope you don't take my critiqing too harshly. I teach a little web design so I am practiced at picking stuff apart and hopefully helping to fix it.

I think it is a very nice looking site that just needs a couple tweeks to make it outstanding.
