My new light came in today.


I just got a sunpod hqi fixture its a 30in with 150 watt hqi halide.
Iam a little disappointed with the amount of light it puts out.
Does anyone think a 10,000k bulb would be better than the 14k that it came with?
Iam going to post some pics later.
the main problem is that the ends of the tank don't get much light.

I liked the output from my old homemade hood better.

That has a 175 watt with a mongul bulb and it was a 10k.
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Well-Known Member
Did you let it warm up?
The edges will be darker since a halide generally covers 2 square feet but it should be brighter than that.


Well-Known Member
can I ask a stupid question without being insulting. Did the bulb come wrapped and did you take the wrap off before firing it?


can I ask a stupid question without being insulting. Did the bulb come wrapped and did you take the wrap off before firing it?

the bulb was pre installed.
The pic looks dimmer than it really is i will try to get a better pic tomorrow.
Its bright but not what I was expecting,the leds are pretty cool at night i never knew some of my corals were florescent.


This a better pic.

I was just looking at the bulb and the problem is that it is so short,an hqi bulb is tiny compared to a mongul style bulb oh well live and learn right.


Well-Known Member
something aint right here.

how does it look in person,,,your cam may be screwing up on rendering....but in pic,,,its dark.


Well-Known Member
I had the Same unit over my 50 gallon tank. They are very dim. The 14K color is good but the intensity sucks. There is no problem. If you go with a 10K bulb you will see a huge difference. I had to buy another unit to supplement the light. I used two PC bulbs to get the par up.


Just add 2 24inch t-5 and you should be good. Nice tank by the way.

Thank you for the complement.
I have a new 10k bulb and a dual t5 strip coming in later this week.
I really hope it looks better, dropping 300 bucks on a hood that don't look good kinda sucks.
I will post some new pics when the new stuff is installed.


I got my new 10k bulb in and installed a t5 duel strip in the back,boy what improvement!! Its so bright its stressing out my brown polyps they will be ok.