My Lionfish Lineup.

I am another lion fan. Always got as close as I could when diving, for a decent pic. Never had a decent one come out though lol.

That is still one option for when I get the new tank, to have lion fish plus some socially acceptable tank mates for them.
You can have a cool community tank with a lion. You can even have a reef. I'm not sure why people say they are not reef compatible.

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I think everything is reef compatible. An angel that eats sponges is still compatible to your reef if it has lots of sponges because that is what they like to eat. That is how I view it, anyway. Some people would call it unethical to put a coral or crab in a tank that would or may get eaten but is it not just as unethical not to do so and deny the fish what it would usually eat in the wild.

My LFS has a display tank that has fish in it which 'the book' tell you will not get along. They all get along fine lol.
I don't consider fish that eat corals to be reef safe from a hobbyist's point of view.

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If it eats corals then it is not 'reef safe' but is 'reef compatible'. It is compatible to the reef because the reef has food it likes. Splitting hairs, I dare say, but I view compatible and safe as different things.

Anyway...........just got back from LFS and now my QT has a twin spot and spotfin.

They will then go into my 260 Litre tank once my dartfish and goby have been removed from it and placed into their new home. I daren't risk whacking all four of them in the same tank.

It would appear that the antennata is in fact a mombassae.
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That is a mombasae and is beautiful. He won't eat or hurt or pick at your corals. He will eat your two smaller fish though.

Sweeeeeeet fish.

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I knew they were fine with corals. I shall probably just have pulsing xenia in the tank as I love that.

The Twinspot had been in the LFS for quite a while and so obviously feeds ok. Not sure how long they have had the Mombasa for as I hadn't been there for a couple of months. They both fed on live shrimp about 30 minutes after being in the tank

They are going to be housed in a 260 Litre tank which I think is 68 US Gallons. I would love a Volitans in there too but alas the tank would be too small for that also. I will get a couple of fish that swim around, instead.

My normal LFS which I go to at least weekly has had 3 Volitans in the same tank for a while but sold two of them a week or so ago.

I love frogfish too but know that some of these will eat lions.
Wow. forgot how amazing ur fish were. been a while since I've been on here. Lionfish have always been my favorite. ty for postings such amazing picks of ur fish. keeping my dream of owning several lionfish tanks alive.