My latest 55gal reef attempt...


Well, to be more exact, it's simply a continuation and upgrade of the tank I've set up since I've lived in LA. Currently I have a 55 gallon tank with 282 watts of PC lighting, 60lbs of live rock, 60lbs of live sand, 2 rio 1200 powerheads and a hydor Koralia 1 for water movement, as well as a Fluvial 205 Canister filter that I only use for water movement and to run carbon on occasion. No, I don't run a skimmer. As for live stock...1 clown, 1 green chromis, 1 watchman goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, about 15 hermit crabs, 3 margarita snails, and 1 trochus snail. Corals include a branching hammer, a colt coral, various mushrooms and a couple button polyps.
This all started 8 years ago in my 29gal as a FOWLR and my clown fish. Not my first saltwater tank, but the first intended to be set up as a reef.
Anyway, this last year has been kind of crazy (moved twice in 4 months!). Was on the forums here last fall when i was thinking about these same upgrades I'm making now. Then life got in the way, things got put on hold and what was a 55gal set up was moved back into a 29 gallon tank. Everything is now back out of storage and set up. yay! (Funny side note...everything was in the 29 for about 4 months, I didn't touch it except to top off...everything thrived! Mushrooms reproduced, my hammer coral has about 7 baby branches coming of the main stalk! Even the fish are happy!)
About 3 weeks ago I filled the 55 about half full of new salt water, the old live rock from storage (which I completely rinsed before putting back in the tank), then let everything cycle for about a week. Moved everyone over from the 29 and everyone seems happy and healthy.
I am having a bit of a cyano out break lately, but it seems to be calming down. Pretty sure the tank just went through a mini-cycle, but keeping my eyes on things!
Anyway, I'm hoping to upgrade my lights to T-5s and add a refugium by the end of summer. ( I have to custom build the ref as my 55gallon stand will not even fit a 10 gal tank!)
That's it for now, I'll post pics of the set up as it is, and more as I add my upgrades.
I love this hobby, there are as many ways to set up a reef as there are people keeping reefs and things always keep changing!


Here are some pics of my current set can see my current cyano outbreak on the sand. It always seems to be gone when I get home, but back the next afternoon when I get up. Mixing some saltwater so I can go after it this weekend!




So I noticed yesterday that my skunk cleaner had molted. He's only been in the tank for 6 days now. he's been all over this morning!
I'm off to reef hot spot this weekend to pick up some zoas, palys, and maybe some softies and LPS...will post pics...
still need to decide on how I'm going to build the refugium...need to find a glass shop...ugh
So I noticed yesterday that my skunk cleaner had molted. He's only been in the tank for 6 days now. he's been all over this morning!
I'm off to reef hot spot this weekend to pick up some zoas, palys, and maybe some softies and LPS...will post pics...
still need to decide on how I'm going to build the refugium...need to find a glass shop...ugh

Ill send you a email address via PM to a custom place i found in Lakewood. They seemed to be pretty fair in their pricing. (compared to other places i check). Im going to have them build a glass sump 30x18x14 with 4 baffles for under 150.


Ill send you a email address via PM to a custom place i found in Lakewood. They seemed to be pretty fair in their pricing. (compared to other places i check). Im going to have them build a glass sump 30x18x14 with 4 baffles for under 150.

Thanks for the address! That sounds exactly what I'm looking for too!


So I went down to my local coral shop and picked up a few new goodies for the tank. I got 4 nassarius snails, a rock with 50-60 zoas, another frag with about 8 polyps, an acan, and a rock with some mixed polyps and soft corals. Really beautiful stuff! Not sure what the orange coral is, maybe someone can identify it for me...maybe I'll surf some more and find it myself...
anyway, i'll post pics's still not the final rock set up, I'm still trying to figure that out. I think I need another 10lbs of rock or so...


Active Member
Just so you know (maybe you already know). Your acans will need to be spot fed every few days and do not put them in the brightest of light. They should go into a somewhat shaddy area.


Just so you know (maybe you already know). Your acans will need to be spot fed every few days and do not put them in the brightest of light. They should go into a somewhat shaddy area.

Yep, I've got them toward the'll see when I get the pics uploaded. (had to come to work before I could post them.) I've got them sitting near the colt coral right now. Of course, I had a lightbulb go off in my head last night and I'm going to redo all the rock work when I get home to make better use of the existing flow an lighting in the tank. Going to move everything off to the sides and leave the center open...well, mostly anyway.


How did that glass place work out for you?

Haven't had a chance to send them a message yet, the new job has me working 12 hours a day days a week. I need to do some more measuring too. I think I'll just have them cut the glass for me, I'm not sure what I want will fit in there in one piece!


here are some new pics...pre-rock rearranging. Sorry if they're a little blurry, my camera and I didn't agree on what should be in focus!



I'll post some more when the water settles!


I got a great deal on this rock! Can't wait until it all grows in!
Anyway, the orange one is the one I need identified...I'm sure someone can tell me what it is.



So here's the latest pics of my tank...still working on the rock work...going to pick up a couple more pieces this weekend to fill it out. Flow in the tank seems to be much better now!




Things are still in work schedule keeps getting in the way of doing any major upgrades. But good news today I found that one of my polyp colonies has started to spread. Not big news, but the colony has only been in the tank for a week and a half. Happy for the growth, just hope it doesn't overtake some of the slower growing zoa colonies I have near by. Also, one of the heads on my branching hammer is splitting. So it's doubled in less than a year, and has many baby branches growing off the base! Can't wait to see what happens when I get my refugium built and add my new lights!


I like your tank! not many people would be pushed to set up a 55 gallon considering the depth.

Ive got a question about your hammer head, is it attached to a rock or what? is it tough to take care of? ive had my eye on one at the LFS for when i get my tank fully established.. very cool coral.


Thanks! I can't wait for it all to grow in so it doesn't look so new!
Yep, I got my hammer attached to a rock with with some mushrooms and polyps. I've had him for a little less than a year, and so far he's been nothing but happy. Hammer's do have stinging tentacles so be careful where you put it. They need moderate lighting and waterflow, but i haven't had to do anything special to take care of him.


I've got 292 watts of PC lighting and I keep him about mid level and he's doing good...honestly he was under 72 watts PC and thrived in a 29. I feed my whole tank and its quite old, so i've got other goodies floating around for him. But yes, i'd say a very easy coral to keep. If your tank is really young you might try target feeding every so often, just watch him.